
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Good Witch's Garden

The Good Witch's Garden

A reminder why we all don't like Martha Tinsdale.

Ah yes to those who remember or read my first review of The Good Witch. You'll realize that the sequel opens in the same manner, music included, except with different images. Images of course being of flowers and butterflies. So okay I like the familiar intro it makes the movie feel like a sequel. Speaking of sequels miss nosy body Martha (Catherine Disher) is the first character the viewer will see, along with her blond friend. They're up to no good as the camera pans upon the Gray House which has seemed to gone through some major renovation. As it's no longer vines and wood but a house of gray stone. Either way Martha is not pleased.

Okay so we soon find out the reason why Martha is having a fit luckily it's for a more petty reason than before. The movie goes along and we find out the reason why Cassandra Nightingale (Catherine Bell) has renovated her house. She's decided to turn her home into a bed and breakfast. Sounds a lot less conspicuous and modest than a metaphysical shop. Soon Cassandra's first customer arrives, Nick Chasen (Rob Stewart) who looks like a suspicious well dressed kind of guy. Plot continues as Jake (Chris Potter) Brandon (Matthew Knight) Lori (Hannah Endicott-Douglas) and their Grandfather George are having typical drama of their own. Sub-plots aside the main plot is most captivating as we discover the reason why Nick Chasen is in town.

Okay so would I recommend this movie. Yes if you like the first one or no if you're didn't. Was this more entertaining then the first? Not really but the plot and dialogue were improved. I like and hate some characters. I will probably watch the next following movies just because it's refreshing change from the Hollywood, special effects. At the first the sense of magic is strictly non-hollywood and people who're expecting to get that witch or magical feeling will most likely to be disappointed.

Title: The Good Witch's Garden
Length: 86 min
Ratings: PG
Year: 2009
Director: Craig Pryce
Starring: Catherine Bell, Chris Potter, Matthew Knight, Hannah Endicott-Douglas, Catherine Disher, Rob Stewart
Over All Score: B
Entertaining: B The magic rating is way below the par. I wouldn't recommend you watch this unless you're a fan of the first.
Cinematography: B Same as Usual nothing too eye catching or spectacular.
Storyline: B+ The plot runs like a soap-opera very smooth yet slow. Though there's plenty of subplots and a mysterious main plot that keeps the movie interesting.
Acting: B+ It seems everyone was right on character even more so.
Music: B- I can't say it's changed much from the first movie.  


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