
Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Covenant

The Covenant

Boys will be Boys

Title: The Covenant
Length: 97 min
Ratings: PG-13

Yes I took the URL from a Russian Forum site.

The Covenant, at first look seems like a male version of 1996 The Craft. Especially with the Rob Zombie opening with flashes of occult pictures and year book pictures of the characters. Though that's where most of the comparison ends. I've been wanting to see something male oriented for a while and had been hesitant about watching The Covenant. However I pushed aside my negativity and was pleasantly surprised as the Covenant mixes a bit of literature and originality into a fun watch.

The story doesn't waste anytime as four guys, gather upon a cliff, watching a teenage party in the forest. Caleb (Steven Strait), Tyler (Chace Crawford), Pogue (Taylor Kitsch), and last Reid, (Toby Hemmingway) get together exchange a few words before jumping off a cliff and landing as if they only fell for three feet. It's obvious that these group of young and attractive men are different from the others. They make their way into the party strolling from the lightened mist behind them. They immediately zoom in on the new girl, Sarah (Laura Ramsey) and introduce themselves, they cause some unwanted attention from a few local jocks. Then suddenly an announcement is made, the authorities are heading their way. The party disperses as teenagers run around heading towards their cars. The Ipswich boys head into their hummer, as Laura heads into her old SUV, that doesn't seem to start. Caleb who has an apparent interest in Sarah offers her and her friends a ride. Sarah thankfully declines, though Reid who also has an interest in Sarah jumps at the chance to help her out. He opens the hood of her car and with a brief gold flicker of his eyes, he then closes the hood and tells them to try it out now. The car starts and Sarah and her friends escape the raid like the others. However the Ipswich boys are now being chased by cops whom they all agree to send the authorities to a fun chase through the woods. They lead the cops towards a cliff where they gather their powers, all their eyes turn pitch black and fly their hummer off another cliff, flying through the fog and into the night sky, leaving the cops lost for words.

Some history is now shed upon the Sons of Ipswich, which are sons who come from the original five families that colonized Ipswich, who are also come from a long line of old money. Sarah quickly makes an observation that they were only four guys out there tonight. Which her friend Kate states that the fifth family died out with the Witch Hunts. Sarah isn't impressed with this information and continues on her way. The plot thickens as the police finds a dead student in his car and Sarah is haunted as she takes a late night shower. Reid appears and checks the shower and finds nothing. Caleb wakes and news about the dead student travels fast, the group suspects Reid as he's more showy with his powers. The plot continues and some terminology about Ascending and Darkling comes up as Caleb's powers saves his life as his car comes back together from a head on collision of a 18 wheeler.

Magic has it's consequences as Reid isn't afraid to use his powers anywhere at anytime, as he's jealous of Caleb's ascension and power. The group of four tears into a group of two and Sarah continues to be haunted by something dark, giving her nightmares. There's someone using their powers big time and is risking exposure for the rest them. The story is entertaining and has nice scenes of action mixed up with magic that comes from the group of boys. This movies is very Hollywood and special affects show when the boys do show off their powers. As over all reviews go, I was surprised it was rated so low. It's worth the watch especially if you're fond of good looking guys.

Title: The Covenant
Length: 97 min
Rated: PG-13
Year: 2006
Director: Renny Harlin
Starring: Steven Strait, Laura Ramsey, Sebastian Stan, Taylor Kitsch, Toby Hemmingway, and Chace Crawford
Over All Score: A, Worth a watch.
Entertaining: A- Over all entertaining, a bit of WB teen drama feel to it though over all entertaining. Cool special effects making the movie more interesting.
Storyline: A- Surprisingly original enough to watch, fans of literature might enjoy the plot more than others.
Acting: B+ Acting from most of the cast is good don't expect any Academy Awards.
Cinematography: A- Good views of scenery and architecture. Not too much tint.
Music: A- Good selection of music. It's got the male rock selection to it. Score isn't bad either.


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