
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Teen Witch

Paving it's way for the genre in a retro aspect of course.

Title: Teen Witch
Length: 90min
Ratings: PG-13

Yay my first movie review!

Ahem now I got that out of the way then. Well Teen Witch, where can I start, well I guess there's no denying it, this movie is loaded with 80's pop culture, down to clothes, cars, topics, and of course score. Even the first scene where the credits roll and when Louise the main character is having a dream; I had to make sure I was watching the right movie and I was. So here's a warning to the everyday modernist and fashion sensitive, this movie is truly a byproduct of it's time.
Alright, moving on, the story is about a young girl, Louise, (Robyn Lively) who's very smart, so smart that she's even skipped levels on certain subjects in her school. Though this poor Hermione Granger, I mean, Louise has a typical annoying little brother (Joushua John Miller) and a high school crush on a good looking guy named Brad (Dan Gauthier). It doesn't help much that Brad is a senor, popular, jock, and is already dating a very attractive and popular girl, Randa. Louise also has a dick of an English teacher, Sev- I mean Mr. Weaver. So high school isn't really pleasant for Louise. Her life doesn't get any better as her day progresses. Until she runs into an old house with a rickety sign. Louise takes a chance and walks on in. Luckily, Madame Serena (Zelda Rubenstein) is actually nice and quite happy to see her. 

The movie progresses slowly and you won't see any signs of magic or spells until 30 minutes in. Louise's magic comes in uncontrollable waves like hormones. Luckily it doesn't take long for Louise to learn how to take control of them. She then gets revenge on her teacher and a few others along the way. She also gives a lot to people who treat her nice. Though, impatient for Brad's affection Louise casts the Big Kahuna of spells, a popularity spell. Which turns her from unnoticeable geek to outrageously popular, along with a flood of perks and consequence. Poor Polly gets the bad end of the spell while she finally gets to snag Brad. Louise however, starts to doubt Brad's affection towards her leaving her wondering if his feelings are true or just another victim of her popularity spell. Finally, her popularity gets so ridiculous that even Louise herself can't stand it and makes a break for it. It leads her to spend some real quality time with Brad and makes her feel guilty when he tells her what he likes best about her. The ending of this movie might leave a lot of people hanging with questions and I don't blame them as the credits start to roll.

Over all, this cheesy 80's movie is entertaining to say the least. I also need to mention this movie is one of the premises of High School Musical. The strange break into dance and song sequences really doesn't fit into the story and in my opinion unnecessary. I actually cracked up a few times. I almost feel bad for Louise in the girls locker room scene, believe me you will too. Needless to say this isn't everyone's cup of tea and some might enjoy it's cheesy quality while others might be rolling their eyes a bit too often. In my personal opinion there are good parts that had me laughing out loud and there were bad ones that had me sighing for relief. The film paved it's way for future witch movies and with all do respect for the genre I recommend seeing this film with a group of friends, whether to reminisce or pick fun, or both.

Title: Teen Witch
Length: 90 min
Director: Dorian Walker
Starring: Robyn Lively, Dan Gauthier, Joshua John Miller, and Zelda Rubenstein
Over All Score: B- or 7 out of 10
Entertaining: B+ There are plenty of cheesy laughs in the film, depending on your sense of humor. You may have to wait a while to get that magic feeling as well.
Cinematography: B- The film is done with hardly any tacky special affects nor does it contain visually striking scenes. The setting is realistic and believable and the quality is done well.
Storyline: B, It was original for it's time though may be too played out for avid book readers and movie watchers.
Acting: B Most of the actors seem to do their best, some out of character during the dance scenes, no outstanding acting here.
Music: Score C, Soundtrack C, Typical polyphonic keyboard score you hear in every 80's movie, soundtrack didn't contain any memorable songs.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Reviewing System

I just realize that before I start dishing out my reviews I should inform people of what qualities I take in account. I'm not trying to overly judge these films/shows there are tons of anal review critics out there. I'm just not one of them. (Hint: Grammar is far from perfect and I suck at catching mistakes). So basically I'm going over on how I Critique/Review a movie just in case you're wondering.

First off I just go with the over all basic review/summary of the movie. Meaning Title, Length, Ratings,Cover/Movie Poster and a few added scenes of the movie/show. Summary will most likely contain some minor spoilers. Though its a review site so that shouldn't be too shocking. This seems to satisfy most readers or reviews. Though just in case I also have another system which I put below this one.

Name of Movie/Show:
Over All Score: I rate an over all Rating based on the following qualities below.
Entertaining: Was it over all funny, witty, interesting?
Cinematography :Was a eye catching, plain, visually striking, special effects, etc.
Story Line: New, Refreshing, Boring, Half-Baked, etc.
Acting: Bad vs Good Acting.
Soundtrack/Audio: Soundtrack, other audio performance.

I'm not sure most people care about these other aspects of reviewing and if you don't it's perfectly fine too. Though if you're a movie buff and just want something a bit more extensive this part is for you.
Hope that covers it, next post should be my first review.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Movies about witches

This blog is devoted to movies/shows about witches, mostly, maybe with a few supernatural flicks. I promise to review them to the best of my ability and get a hold of all movies about witches I can. I may throw in a few fantasy/horror/ghost or any side-genre that has something to do about witches as well. Though, I do not plan to please everyone, I'm not trying to promote a spiritual way of life or religion. Just reviewing flicks on a genre I love to watch. I love watching movies about witches. If you have any that you think I should review please leave a comment thank you.