
Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Worst Witch

The Worst Witch

Poor Unlucky Mildred Hubble

To be honest I haven't seen this movie since I was a little girl. Thanfully I was able to see it on YouTube thanks to sentientred. First off the movie is a made for TV movie and some of the budget can be seen with the costumes and effects. Though the movie is still very entertaining.

The story revolves around a young witch named Mildred Hubble (Fairuza Balk), unfortunately Mildred is one of unluckiest students and is sometimes teased by her classmates and her teacher Miss Hardbroom (Diana Rigg). Luckily Mildred has a best friend Delilah, who she can depend on and is always on her side. Mildred has built some sort of a reputation that even, Principal Cackle (Charlotte Rae), who's also very understanding to Mildred's unlucky situation. The story progresses rather fast and Miss Cackle's twin ,but evil sister. Agatha Cackle (Charlotte Rae) is introduced. Along with a portrait of the Grand Wizard (Tim Curry) as well.

Life isn't fun for Mildred, things just doesn't come easy for her, her cat can't ride on a broomstick, she wrecks her broom and she's constantly picked on by a girl named Ethel Hallow. They play a game where girls make ugly faces to make each other scream. Each scream they let out is a point for the enemy team. Of course Ethel is on the opposite team and cheats when she places on a hideous mask. Mildred screams her head off which automatically loses for team. Out of anger Mildred grows the courage to try to turn Ethel into a frog. Though she ends up turning her into a pig, being able to change her into anything in the first place gives Mildred the confidence she needs in school. News soon comes in that the Grand Wizard (Tim Curry) is heading for their school for Halloween. All the girls including the staff have huge crushes on him. The school announces that they will perform a flying show, showcasing their maneuvering on brooms. Mildred gathers the courage to practice and tries-out for the performance. Though things don't come easily for Mildred Hubble and many obstacles stand in her way.

The movie is cute and short. It brought back a lot of child hood memories and the special effects well are not that special now days. Though Tim Curry as the Grand Wizard reminds you how good and unique a singer he actually was. Watch this moview with young kids, as they will most likely to judge less harshly on the special effects that the made for TV movie used in 1986.

Title: The Worst Witch
Length: 70min
Director: Robert Young
Starring: Diana Rigg, Charlotte Rae, Tim Curry, and Fairuza Balk
Over All Score:B-
Entertaining: B Yes there are some slow parts but the movie is actually fast pace.
Cinematography: B Interesting camera angles though had some flashy effects (Also, I honestly think most of the Harry Potter films were filmed at the same castle)
Storyline: B Simple nothing particular new but for it's time it was.
Acting: A+, I simply adored the acting, even with its budget, the actors did a great job.
Music: B- Good sound effects and music, very cute and catchy.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Craft

The Craft

Epitome of the 90's

Title: The Craft
Length: 101 min
Ratings: R

Some of you readers if not most, have already seen The Craft. It's one of those movies, if you are fan of the genre (Witch Movie Genre), that you tend to stumble across easily. Especially if you were a growing teen in the 90's. Though if you actually haven't seen the movie and you're wondering about watching it or thinking about watching it; you've come to the right place. The Craft takes place around a group of girls that go to a catholic school in California. Though just like typical high school students the urge to use their powers in a responsible manner is easier said than done.

The story centers on a girl named Sarah (Robin Tunney) who's just moved into her new home in LA. Even though Sarah isn't happy about the move she isn't keen on rudely voicing her opinion. Even a mentally disturbed homeless man baring a snake doesn't seem to damper nor brighten Sarah's melancholy mood. Soon school starts and Sarah nervously goes to her first day of school and like all new kids at school the day is full of ups and downs. In lab she's can't find a partner in class and is given the cold shoulder by a group of three girls. Bonnie (Neve Campbell), Rochelle (Rachel True), and Nancy (Fairuza Balk). However, she soon catches the eye of a popular jock named Chris, whom Sarah becomes very interested in.

Though in an odd twists of events the group of girls boldly approaches her and apologize for their rude behavior. Sarah can't help but feel drawn to the group of girls and follows them to an occult store. Inside her new group of buddies are sneakily taking objects who the owner, Lirio notices. Sarah makes her way towards a hung blanket until Lirio stops her. They briefly converse with each other as Sarah pays for her random purchases. Night falls and Sarah continues to follow the group of girls through a very shady and crowded street. The creepy homeless man returns and frightens Sarah across the street. All four girls stare at the man as he crosses the street before getting hit by a vehicle. The girls run for it and discuss the event. They carry on with the discussion which freaks Sarah out and walks home.

Time passes and Sarah's back in school, though the whole school hears about her date with Chris Hooker. Chris spiteful about Sarah not going to his house with him spreads a viscous rumor, instantly tarnishing Sarah's reputation. However all four girls have their own problems as Rochelle deals with racism, Bonnie with her appearance, and Nancy at home. Together all four girls find comfort and friendship with each other as they discover and play around with the craft. Eventually their friendship is threatened when a few bad choices in spells comes back three fold as karma dishes out a good spoonful of payback. The Craft starts out fairly well though others might feel disappointed with the ending. Over all the movie is entertaining it delivers a lesson about playing with fire. The movie made an impact on 90's youth in it's day. It was one of the first that didn't use silly audio tracks or cheesy special effects to represent when magic is being done. I recommend you watch it whenever you have time to spare with an open mind.

Title: The Craft
Length: 101 min
Rated: R
Year: 1996
Director: Andrew Fleming
Starring: Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Neve Campbell, Rachel True
Over All Score: B
Entertaining: B- The movie is even pace with plenty of scenes of magic being used.
Storyline: B- Story is not as original as when if first came out. Viewers might find the ending scenes a bit long.
Acting: A, Good Acting, actors put their best effort in, you actually believe they might be High School students.
Cinematography: B- No outstanding shots, the effects are great and not cheesy, no over tinting. Over all good quality.
Music: A- Score had some music from great artist and most people will find some of the music memorable.